Thursday, 21 May 2015

++E Tenebrae Lux++

I love a good challenge.  Especially hobby challenges, they bring out a real community spirit, more so than normal (I’ve found over the years that the Heresy has an amazing community, especially compared to normal 40k). 

With that, Bolter & Chainsword has started their E Tenebrae Lux painting challenge.  For those not familiar it’s an inter subforum painting challenge. Each subforum (Chaos, Space Marines, Horus Heresy etc) collects vows from its members (up to 5 vows of up to 3k each) and then the challenge begins, paint your vowed models before the challenge ends and your team gets the points equal to what you’ve painted, if you fail then you lose the points not only for that vow but for all your vows.  So vow carefully! 

I must admit I watched the challenge last year,  I was having a bit of a hobby lull at the time and didn’t really feel up to it anyway.  This year though I’m ready (well, ish) and really looking forward to it.  If anyone’s thinking of entering, remember your vows need to be in before the 1st of June so you have 10 days to decide! 

My first vow is:

 “I Rolltonotdie rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Legion Moritat with Volkite Charger, 2x Volkite Serpenta & Refractor Field (125pts)

Legion Heavy Support Squad with Nuncio Vox, Augury Scanner, Power Weapon & 9x Volkite Culverins (240pts)

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought with Plasma Cannon & Plasma Blaster (205pts)

Legion Typhon Siege Tank with Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite & Havoc Launcher (425pts)

from The Legions Astartes Crusade Armylist of total value 995 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to The IVth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end!”

and here’s how that looks!
Pizza box is not part of pledge... 

I just finished putting the Culverins together last night, which was awful, getting those belt feeds to line up and not snap was a singularly painful experience but I’m glad the units done, if only so I never have to go through that again! 

I quickly primed them this morning so here’s a few primed shots:



You’ve probably noticed a lot of volkite love in my force so far (I’ve also got a Tactical Support Squad with Calivers in the pipeline),  a strange choice for the primarily siege focussed IVth Legion.  I’ve been writing background for this force for a long time based around my regular opponents, the main one being Orks so I figured even the notoriously stubborn Iron Warriors wouldn’t ignore the obvious benefits of Volkite weaponry against the relatively unarmoured Orks and so a Volkite toting Moritat, two Volkite armed squads and even this contemptor was originally meant to be armed with a Volkite Culverin.


Hopefully I’ll see some of you over on B&C!


Until next time!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Masters of the Mechanicum

Well, my plans for the weekend didn’t quite work out.  Between people turning up un-announced and people I knew were coming arriving early I didn’t get as much hobby time as I’d have liked.

 One good thing to happen though was the post man brought me (most of) the parts I was waiting for to start working on my Archmagos Prime’s Abeyant.  That’s not to say I don’t like the FW Abeyant, ‘coz I do,  it just doesn’t fit my Archmagos.  As an Ordinator I wanted something that looked a bit more capable of mounting heavy weapons. Crappy phone pics are crappy but I was short on time!
So its still an early WIP,  most of it is just pinned at this point while I figure out where everything is going to go.  I also need to decide on how to make its primary armament, a Graviton Imploder!
The Rotor cannon is taken from the Taurox kit and a MkIV Dreads Assault Drill but I think works quite well.
I’d had the idea for the grav plates for a while, using the central console from a drop pod surrounded by the hanging lamps from the cities of death buildings, obviously there’s still quite a bit of work to do, lots of cables and whatnot to connect it to the main chassis but It’s looking just like I wanted to so I’m happy at this stage.

I think I need to trim the back one a bit.

The Magos itself is really the only bit I’m not certain of at the moment, but there’s a lot of greenstuff work to do so maybe I’ll feel better when its closer to done.

I’ve also checked together this chap on a whim:
I’m not sure yet if he’s destined for one of my INQ28 warbands (which I will get round to photographing this week) or as a lesser magos in my Mechanicum force which is why he's not on a base yet.  Again he’s early WIP so I’ll probably decide as I work on him more.

Until next time!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Bulkhead Breached & Sparkleburst!

The first five Breachers are done! Well, they’re not weathered yet but I think I’ll do that in batches, maybe when I’ve done the other five? I dunno, I’ll see how it pans out.

The shields look really bare to me at the moment but I can’t decide what to do with them to break up the big black block.  A stripe maybe? Quarter it?  Any suggestions?

Next up on the Iron Warriors is going to be the Cataphracts with power axes.  I’ve not made any real progress on them yet so no pics for now.

In other gaming news I’m expecting the imminent arrival of my Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King set so in preparation I’ve dragged out my SDE base set to crack on with painting it, I think I’ll alternate between this and my IW’s for a while, should stop me getting bored of either. 

Anyway,  here’s what I’ve got painted so far from the 1st Ed base set and expansions:

I should probably start working on the spawn points…

Not a big update today, thought I’d keep it short and sweet but I’m hoping to get quite a bit done over the weekend so more pics next week!

Until next time…

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Shatterer finished! Arm breaching charges & Xenos Sighted!

It was close, very very close but I finished the Shatterer pattern Contemptor in time for the completion over on The First Expedition.  I’m pretty happy with how he turned out.  I’m just waiting for transfers to arrive to finish him off now.


Ancient Caranore

A veteran of the final wars for Unification on Terra Caranore has truly earned his honorific title as an ancient of the 6th Grand Battalion. Inducted into the IVth Legion from Albion stock Caranore found his place first among the Despoiler and later the Breacher cadres, naturally aggressive but not reckless he had a good tactical sense and was able to read the shifting battlefield with sometimes frightening accuracy. He swiftly moved up the ranks first becoming a Sergeant before being inducted into legion command as a detachment and then company commander, briefly spending time as a Siegebreaker before finally ascending to command of a Grand Battallion.


Caranore led the 6th capably if unexceptionally on five system level compliances and a single sector level compliance, bringing, in total, twenty six worlds into the Imperium’s illumination.  He also held the company together through their reunion with their Primarch Perturabo and the brutal punishment he inflicted for their perceived failings as a legion.  Caranore had no particular love for his Primarch, the father he had never known seemed cold and distant, so it was that Caranore turned his gaze back to the Emperor, who had been much more of an inspirational figurehead to him than his own Primarch had been. 


Caranore finally fell on the during the Ork wars on Charadon, caught in a stray shell blast from xenos artillery even as the battle reached its final minutes.  Caranore clung to life but there was little the apothecarion could do to save his ruined body. Instead Caranore was interred into the shell of a Contemptor, one of the few Shatterer patterns the company still possessed and was given life anew.



Now that he’s complete I’ve started working on some infantry,  I had to respray the Cataphracts as I’d somehow managed to miss a large bit of them when I sprayed them so while I was at it I sprayed the first five marines of a Breacher squad, designated Squad Hesperus.  The second pic came out a bit blurry but there’s not a massive amount to see at this point so I’m not too worried, I’ll take better ones of the whole squad when they’re finished.

And finally, not related to my Iron Warriors, but still tied into my projects as once I get round to writing the campaign fluff for my IW’s this will be one of the antagonists,  I’ve been working on an Autarch for my Eldar.  She needs a lot of GS work but I’m happy with where she’s headed.  Speaking of headsd, she has 2 and I can’t decide whether to use the helmeted or unhelmeted one, both are WIP so still need some GS work to finish off but I’m looking for opinions on both.

So which do you think I should go for?

Until next time!