With that,
Bolter & Chainsword has started their E Tenebrae Lux painting
challenge. For those not familiar it’s
an inter subforum painting challenge. Each subforum (Chaos, Space Marines,
Horus Heresy etc) collects vows from its members (up to 5 vows of up to 3k
each) and then the challenge begins, paint your vowed models before the
challenge ends and your team gets the points equal to what you’ve painted, if
you fail then you lose the points not only for that vow but for all your
vows. So vow carefully!
I must admit
I watched the challenge last year, I was
having a bit of a hobby lull at the time and didn’t really feel up to it
anyway. This year though I’m ready
(well, ish) and really looking forward to it.
If anyone’s thinking of entering, remember your vows need to be in
before the 1st of June so you have 10 days to decide!
My first vow
Legion Moritat with Volkite Charger, 2x
Volkite Serpenta & Refractor Field (125pts)
Legion Heavy Support Squad with Nuncio Vox,
Augury Scanner, Power Weapon & 9x Volkite Culverins (240pts)
Legion Contemptor Dreadnought with Plasma
Cannon & Plasma Blaster (205pts)
Legion Typhon Siege Tank with Lascannons,
Armoured Ceramite & Havoc Launcher (425pts)
from The Legions Astartes Crusade Armylist
of total value 995 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring
eternal glory to The IVth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of
the Oathbreaker until the year-end!”
and here’s
how that looks!
Pizza box is not part of pledge...
I just
finished putting the Culverins together last night, which was awful, getting
those belt feeds to line up and not snap was a singularly painful experience
but I’m glad the units done, if only so I never have to go through that again!
I quickly
primed them this morning so here’s a few primed shots:
probably noticed a lot of volkite love in my force so far (I’ve also got a
Tactical Support Squad with Calivers in the pipeline), a strange choice for the primarily siege
focussed IVth Legion. I’ve been writing background
for this force for a long time based around my regular opponents, the main one
being Orks so I figured even the notoriously stubborn Iron Warriors wouldn’t ignore
the obvious benefits of Volkite weaponry against the relatively unarmoured Orks
and so a Volkite toting Moritat, two Volkite armed squads and even this
contemptor was originally meant to be armed with a Volkite Culverin.
Hopefully I’ll
see some of you over on B&C!
Until next